Thursday, July 14, 2005

Thoughts from the suburbia

Living up the American Dream ?? Nah..well...kind of.....but it just made plain economic sense to buy a house (and sign away our souls during the process) and move into the 'burbs. Well...technically our zip code falls within the city limits - but lets not get into semantics - we have the rows of houses with lawns spread out, porches in the front, decks at the back and considerable backyard spaces. Fortunately, unlike a lot of suburbs I have seen in Rochester, NY - we do have quite a few street lights.

One observation - I used to believe that people moved to the suburbs to get away from the noise and hustle-bustle of the city - however so far I have found worse sound pollution here due to the constant roar of the lawn movers from one house or the other. Similar to the 'bigger is better' car syndrome - these people seem to suffer from 'louder is better' syndrome in terms of lawn mowers. Tone it down fellas !

Also, this is the first time I am having to commute by driving in my own own car - back in Rochester I walked to work, out here from my previous place I took the (free) bus service. Granted its a mixed commute right now - I only have to drive about 10 minutes to a Park and Ride lot and then take the (still free) bus to work. That 10 minutes gives me enough time to get updated on the major news through NPR.


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