Unsolicited Advice 1
I love giving advice to people. In my native tongue, Bengali, people like us are called 'gyani', 'paka' etc., most often in a playful derogatory sense. But that does not discourage our creed, who know that most people in the world are just lost and need someone to show them the direction.
Also since this is my blog in my corner of the vast cyberspace - I will dish out advice, both of practical nature as well as philosophical, from time to time ;-).
Here is something practical: for those few out there who do not know about it, start using the Mozilla Firefox browser in place of IE. It's got some really cool features and you can actually import most of your settings and all your links and bookmarks from IE. You can still use the googlebar and in addition there is a general box that can be used for google/yahoo/amazon/dictionary or any other engines of your choice. Check it out for yourself from the link below.If any of the reasons I gave is not convincing enough, here is the clincher - it's not from Microsoft.
Also since this is my blog in my corner of the vast cyberspace - I will dish out advice, both of practical nature as well as philosophical, from time to time ;-).
Here is something practical: for those few out there who do not know about it, start using the Mozilla Firefox browser in place of IE. It's got some really cool features and you can actually import most of your settings and all your links and bookmarks from IE. You can still use the googlebar and in addition there is a general box that can be used for google/yahoo/amazon/dictionary or any other engines of your choice. Check it out for yourself from the link below.If any of the reasons I gave is not convincing enough, here is the clincher - it's not from Microsoft.

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